After a lot of thinking, I decided to stop procrastinating and start writing some of my experiences. So, here I am........

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Saturday, September 6, 2008

Why don't railway stations announce station name?

Recently, I went to home for celebrating Rakshabandhan. Going home is really great. Although there is a flight from Hyderabad to Agra --started recently-- I go to Agra by train because cost of flight from Hyderabad to Agra is always INR 9000+, I don't know why such a high cost for this particular route. Train journey takes 23 hours. In such a long journey you meet different people; you sleep a lot, you read a lot and when journey is finished you again sleep a lot but sleep@home is altogether different from sleeping in train or napping in office. This is the sleep that everyone wishes for.

My aim here is not to write about home or sleep or flight vs train. Sorry for wandering from the main topic, I was just writing something to make a base for what I wanted to write about. From the time I moved to Hyderabad, my journeys have become longer. Most of the time I travel in train. Whenever train stops at some station, people keep bugging other people asking about the name of station. There are many people, you will find in train, who desperately wait for an opportunity to disturb others. People ask questions in different styles. Some people ask "Which station is this?" Some people will wake up from their sleep and will say "Kahan per khadi hai train itni der se?", some will say "This train is running too late, stopped again, which station is this now?", some will say "This rain is always like this. This station doesn't seem to be big station. This train stops at every possible damn station. BTW, which station is this?" When people ask such questions they disturb at least one person who might have have been reading or sleeping. Well, I know, as an Indian citizen, everybody has got all rights to disturb others, especially in trains. My point here is, when train reaches a railway station, stations don't announce station/city name. Only at Bhopal railway station, I observed that speakers were announcing "Welcome to Bhopal". This is good. It saves a lot of people from getting disturbed. Why don't other stations do this?


Vamsi said...

cool dude. u made it interesting and funny. :-)

Unknown said...

Congrats on your maiden blog :)
Though, you raise a good point yet I'm not fully convinced with the reason.
Well, when the train stops at a station, most probably you'll wake up anyway, not because of the mentioned reasons... but because of hawkers "chai, chai, garma garam chai....poori, sabzi poori ...", boarding passengers and getting down passengers...unless and until you're in deep sleep. :-D
And in that case, you're not going to be awake no matter how hard someone asks.."Which station is this?"... :-P
But keep it up...may be some railway guy will see your blog and implement it.. :)

Sandeep Jain said...

@Vamsi Thanks

@Gautam Thanks, I agree, It's not only about people getting disturbed, it's also about, people are not informed of station name.

May be, I was biased because I have been waken-up/disturbed by many guys who were just asking station name and they had nothing to do with the station.

Indian railways must do something about it.